SKU: 54294

Living with Vincent van Gogh

$ 30.00

Vincent van Gogh was a restless soul, always on the move. He spent his twenties searching for a vocation – starting out as an art dealer and later serving as an evangelist among downtrodden coal miners. Once he had determined to become an artist, he remained a traveller, always seeking fresh places for the motifs and opportunities he needed to create and sell his work.

This unsettled lifestyle meant that Van Gogh stayed in a succession of temporary homes that spanned over a dozen places – from villages in Brabant with a few hundred inhabitants to London, then the world’s most populous city. His accommodation was equally varied, ranging from a room in the grand quarters of one of his uncles, a rear admiral, to a cell in an insane asylum.

This book sets out to examine the impact on Van Gogh’s art of the places where he lived. Where did he stay during his journey through life? How did the different landscapes and cityscapes affect his drawings and paintings?

Hardcover / 192 pages

Dimensions: 8.5" x 10.5"